This 30 day mind-body challenge aims to:
I understand that participation in recreational, wellness, exercise and/or fitness programs offered by the North Valley live well be well Program (collectively, “Fitness Classes”) involves a risk that I may suffer personal injury or other damages. My participation in Fitness Classes is entirely voluntary.
In exchange for my participation in the Fitness Classes, I:
I will follow all rules and regulations regarding participation in Fitness Classes that may be posted or otherwise provided by Kaiser Permanente or anyone acting on behalf of Kaiser Permanente.
I will obtain or have already obtained a physical examination from a medical doctor to determine my present health and medical condition before beginning any program of exercise or activity, including participation in any Fitness Classes, and will not engage in activities against medical advice.
I am not aware of any physical, mental or emotional condition that might impair my ability to safely participate in Fitness Classes.
I have read this entire release and waiver prior to signing and am fully aware of the legal consequences of signing this document.
KP National User ID (NUID) for employees
New YOU, NEW 2022 Challenge Pre-Assessment:
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