Emotional Health & Wellness
Feel more at peace with the challenges of everyday life. Try one or more of the activities designed to help you reach a better balance of body, mind, and spirit. Look for Emotional Health and Wellness offerings in your local area.
Healthy Eating
When is the best time to make sure your diet is healthy and nourishing? Right now! Our Live Well Be Well Healthy Eating approach focuses on helping you learn and maintain good eating habits and provides you with healthy food options in the workplace. Healthy Eating lays out a banquet of options for the nutrition-minded gourmet.
Healthy Workplace
Creating and maintaining a healthy and safe environment is vital to thriving while working. From stretch breaks to Take Charge!, we hope to increase your awareness of the many different ways you can be healthier and safer in the workplace.
Physical Activity
It’s time to get going — with our Live Well Be Well Physical Activity programs. We all know that physical activity is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Make a commitment to get and stay active. Look for Physical Activity programs like the following in your local area.
Get to “know your numbers” , including health indicators like blood pressure and cholesterol measures, through our Live Well Be Well emphasis on understanding your health status. Take proactive steps to promote your own health and prevent disease.