Work Out of the Week (WOW)
Welcome to your WOW! A WOW is a short workout such as a tabata, strength training, stretching or stress management exercises that you can do in just a few minutes in your office or over your lunch hour. WOWs are a great way for you to stay on top of your exercise or emotional wellness program. Every week a new WOW will be added to keep you on your toes and excited!! So check back often to maximize your wellness program.
10/13/21-Walking Hamstring Stretch

10/6/21 – Walking More During Your Day
Happy October! This month’s WOW’s will help promote Walktober, a Go KP program which aims to increase physical activity, provide social support among KP employees, and offer goal setting and challenges to accomplish. All Kaiser Permanente employees are welcome to register! Click here for more information.
To help promote exercise and walking in the workplace, this month’s WOW’s will focus on how to make the most out of your walks. Walking is a great form of exercise and can be done anywhere, anytime without the need of equipment or a gym membership. Walking has shown to increase physical fitness while simultaneously decreasing stress. Best of all, you can enjoy this beautiful fall weather and watch the leaves change color on your walking breaks!
Adding in more steps is the fist key to walking more! Try parking your car further away from the office/store, take the stairs instead of elevator, walk on your lunch breaks, or walk when you’re off work. You can also invite your loved ones to walk with you to keep you company. Whether you are a seasoned fitness veteran or someone just looking to increase their physical activity, anyone can benefit from adding more steps to their day!

9/29/21 – Upper Body Stretch
This month’s WOWs will focus on stretching out your shoulders! Sitting at the computer can cause your shoulders and upper body to become tight and tense. Taking a couple of minutes to move your body can help with pain and discomfort.
Interlace your fingers and press your palms away from the body. Stretch your arms up and straighten your elbows. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat for 2 sets.

9/22/21 – Chest & Shoulder Stretch
This month’s WOWs will focus on stretching out your shoulders! Sitting at the computer can cause your shoulders and upper body to become tight and tense. Taking a couple of minutes to move your body can help with pain and discomfort.
Sit up tall in your chair and interlace your fingers behind your body. Lift your arms up and back to stretch your chest and shoulders. Hold for 20 seconds and repeat for 2 sets.