Work Out of the Week (WOW)
Welcome to your WOW! A WOW is a short workout such as a tabata, strength training, stretching or stress management exercises that you can do in just a few minutes in your office or over your lunch hour. WOWs are a great way for you to stay on top of your exercise or emotional wellness program. Every week a new WOW will be added to keep you on your toes and excited!! So check back often to maximize your wellness program.
6/22/22- Summer Time Fitness – Water Exercise

6/15/22- Summer Time Fitness – Take a Bike Ride
Summer is upon us! This month’s WOW’s will focus on brainstorming ideas to get out of the house and making the most of your summer! Keep in mind to follow sun safety tips and visit the CDC’s website for more information to adequately protect you and your loved ones.
This week’s WOW is to go for a bike ride! Bike riding is a great way to see our beautiful city and the landscapes associated with it. If you don’t own a bike, we are fortunate enough to have a ride share program where you can rent bikes for cheap.
Bike riding can be done with friends, family, and loved ones!

6/8/22- Summer Time Fitness – Take a Hike!
Summer is upon us! This month’s WOW’s will focus on brainstorming ideas to get out of the house and making the most of your summer! Keep in mind to follow sun safety tips and visit the CDC’s website for more information to adequately protect you and your loved ones.
This week’s WOW is to go for a hike! Sacramento is close to Lake Tahoe, San Francisco, and Auburn/Grass Valley, which all contain beautiful areas to hike and be outdoors. Keep in mind to bring plenty of layers, water, snacks, and comfortable shoes.
One of my favorite scenic views in Placerville is Foresthill Bridge. This bridge is the highest bridge by deck height in California and the 4th highest bridge in the United States. In addition to the views, there are great areas to hike and explore.
No worries if you cannot make it to this location! There are plenty of local spots along the American River to explore and create wonderful memories.

6/1/22- Summer Time Fitness – Take a Walk By Water
Summer is upon us! This month’s WOW’s will focus on brainstorming ideas to get out of the house and making the most of your summer! Keep in mind to follow sun safety tips and visit the CDC’s website for more information to adequately protect you and your loved ones.
This week’s WOW is to go for a walk by the lake, river, or ocean! I find the water to be very therapeutic and calming. Bringing a loved one with you will keep you company and you can share the beautiful moment together!
Below is a beautiful shot of Tower Bridge in Old Sacramento. If you’ve never been, now is the time to enjoy walking next to the water!