Work Out of the Week (WOW)
Welcome to your WOW! A WOW is a short workout such as a tabata, strength training, stretching or stress management exercises that you can do in just a few minutes in your office or over your lunch hour. WOWs are a great way for you to stay on top of your exercise or emotional wellness program. Every week a new WOW will be added to keep you on your toes and excited!! So check back often to maximize your wellness program.

1/5/22-Goals for 2022

12/29/21 – Enjoy the Crisp Weather
Hello everyone! With the holiday season right around the corner, this month’s WOW’s is to add in more fitness during the holidays. It can be stressful shopping for gifts and planning for family, but just know at anytime, anywhere, you can add in exercise throughout the day.
This week’s WOW is to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Although it is cold and foggy during the wintertime, the sun does come out and it feels good to be outside and enjoy the cooler weather. You can go for a walk, a hike, or just about do anything that involves being outdoors. Avoid walking in the rain and watch your step if it’s slippery out!

12/22/21- Add More Steps
Hello everyone! With the holiday season right around the corner, this month’s WOW’s is to add in more fitness during the holidays. It can be stressful shopping for gifts and planning for family, but just know at anytime, anywhere, you can add in exercise throughout the day.
This week’s WOW is to finish up your Christmas shopping list by parking further away from your car. Whether you are at the store, mall, or office, you can add in more steps to and from your vehicle.

12/15/21-Take the Stairs
Hello everyone! With the holiday season right around the corner, this month’s WOW’s is to add in more fitness during the holidays. It can be stressful shopping for gifts and planning for family, but just know at anytime, anywhere, you can add in exercise throughout the day.
This week’s WOW is to add more steps into your day by taking the stairs. As much as we like convenience in using the escalator or elevator, taking the stairs burns more calories, works out more muscles, and quickly elevates your heart rate to improve stamina.
Try more stairs this week to get those muscles moving. Your body will thank you for the extra steps!