Work Out of the Week (WOW)
Welcome to your WOW! A WOW is a short workout such as a tabata, strength training, stretching or stress management exercises that you can do in just a few minutes in your office or over your lunch hour. WOWs are a great way for you to stay on top of your exercise or emotional wellness program. Every week a new WOW will be added to keep you on your toes and excited!! So check back often to maximize your wellness program.
2/2/22-Jumping Jacks
Jumping Jacks - Starting Position

Jumping Jacks - Ending Position

1/26/22 – Chair Twist
Happy New Year!! With 2022 in our horizon and 2021 past us, we are looking forward to improving your health and wellness so you can make this year a great one!
Today’s workout is to take another stretch break to loosen up your back muscles. It might not seem like much, but short stretch breaks throughout the day will help with increasing your mobility and decrease pain or discomfort in your lower back.
Sit up tall and place your hand on the side of your chair and back of your chair. Twist your core and look over your shoulder to feel a deep stretch in your spine. Release, and switch to the other side. Hold for 20 seconds for each stretch.

1/19/22 – Office Stretch
Happy New Year!! With 2022 in our horizon and 2021 past us, we are looking forward to improving your health and wellness so you can make this year a great one!
Today’s workout is to take a stretch break! Sitting for long periods of time can cause tightness in the back, shoulders, and neck. A simple stretch will boost your endurance, increase your energy, and make your body feel so much better.
Take a short break from emails and reach your arms above your head to stretch your spine and shoulders.
Additionally, if you are interested in participating in New You, New 2022, please click here for more information. This 4-week virtual challenge is aimed at improving your overall wellness and there are incentives for participating!

1/12/22- Getting Moving
Happy New Year!! With 2022 in our horizon and 2021 past us, we are looking forward to improving your health and wellness so you can make this year a great one!
Today’s workout is to GET MOVING! Yes, that’s right! Whether it’s walking, stretching, squats, bootcamp, or yoga, this week get up and get those muscles moving! Exercise is a great way to strengthen your muscles, reduce the risk of heart disease, and lower your stress levels.
Additionally, if you are interested in participating in New You, New 2022, please click here for more information. This 4-week virtual challenge is aimed at improving your overall wellness and there are incentives for participating!